Whether you missed last week’s or are looking for the latest one, here is our page to anything and all things Summit Club.

Find the related topic you’re looking for or listen to them in chronological order! It does not matter. Just enjoy them while we summit to the top of the sales peak!  Check out our full library below.


039. Book Review: Give and Take by Adam Grant

039. Book Review: Give and Take by Adam Grant

038. The Masters Roundtable Volume II

038. The Masters Roundtable Volume II

037. The Masters Roundtable Volume I

037. The Masters Roundtable Volume I

036. Golf? Here’s Why We Play!

036. Golf? Here’s Why We Play!

035. Where does charity begin after “home”?

035. Where does charity begin after “home”?

034. The “Career Dilemma”: Is There a Best Choice?

034. The “Career Dilemma”: Is There a Best Choice?

033. “Golf: A Game for Life” Hole #1:Overview

033. “Golf: A Game for Life” Hole #1:Overview

032. Views Of The Pandemic From The Summit

032. Views Of The Pandemic From The Summit

031. OK, You Want Me To Do What?

031. OK, You Want Me To Do What?

029. Book Review: “Who Moved my Cheese” by Spencer Johnson

029. Book Review: “Who Moved my Cheese” by Spencer Johnson

028. Reinvention & Transition

028. Reinvention & Transition

026. The Business Leaders Roundtable!

026. The Business Leaders Roundtable!

025. A Millennial’s Guide for Going to the Job Gym

025. A Millennial’s Guide for Going to the Job Gym

024. The Sales Champions Roundtable!

024. The Sales Champions Roundtable!

023. Selling & New Business Development in the Time of Covid-19

023. Selling & New Business Development in the Time of Covid-19

022. The New Normal – A Guide to Working Remotely

022. The New Normal – A Guide to Working Remotely

021. [Book Review] The Four Agreements

021. [Book Review] The Four Agreements

019. You might be a jerk if you were surprised by episode 18

019. You might be a jerk if you were surprised by episode 18

018. Find Out for Free What Your Friends Won’t Tell You!

018. Find Out for Free What Your Friends Won’t Tell You!

017. Setting the Gameplan for 2020

017. Setting the Gameplan for 2020

016. [Book Review] A Message To Garcia

016. [Book Review] A Message To Garcia

015. Making $100,000 a Year in Sales

015. Making $100,000 a Year in Sales

014. [Book Review] The Ideal Team Player

014. [Book Review] The Ideal Team Player

012. Coaching and Mentoring (Pt. 2)

012. Coaching and Mentoring (Pt. 2)

011. Coaching and Mentoring (Pt.1)

011. Coaching and Mentoring (Pt.1)

010. Managed to Managing

010. Managed to Managing

009. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 3)

009. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 3)

008. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 2)

008. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 2)

007. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 1)

007. Building High Performance Teams (Pt. 1)

005. Customer Intimacy (Pt. 3 of 3)

005. Customer Intimacy (Pt. 3 of 3)

004. Product Leadership (Pt. 2 of 3)

004. Product Leadership (Pt. 2 of 3)

003. Operational Excellence (Pt. 1 of 3)

003. Operational Excellence (Pt. 1 of 3)

002. Pillars of Competitive Advantage (Intro to Three-Part Series)

002. Pillars of Competitive Advantage (Intro to Three-Part Series)

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